Chester Swann-Auger

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Chester, I'm a 24-year-old web developer. This is my site, I have a blog where I'm aiming to post articles about whatever random things catch my attention, I've got a list of my public facing projects and a CV to show off the things I've achieved

Why does this site exist

I really love what the internet can be, it's a place with the potential for limitless expression, but instead it's fallen down to being somewhere where everyone just exists on one of five sites communicating in the ways they let you. That sucks. First of all there's all the countless issues with tracking and data-harvesting occurring everywhere but beyond that it's just not fun.

It's so hard to have a real place for self-expression when every profile on every site has to look the same. With all the huge developments to computing in the last 30 years it's easier than ever to make a website, but somehow it's just entirely lost. So yeah, I'm a web developer and I want to do whatever I can to push the internet in a direction I want it to go.

So stick around, join the small internet, it's fun here.